Model: Dave Ross
Location: Back alleyway of Cafe, "Me and Art" (Surry Hills)
Pineapple: Your local fruit market
There is something to be said about the people you choose to photograph.
Sometimes there are those "obvious" beauties, the classic looking guy or girl next door.
Other times there is something about an individual that besides their external features, the soul of a particular person attracts you even more so to them.
I, personally, have found that although i may find someone attractive looking it's not all that should be what defines your choice of a person to photograph.
In saying that when you are commissioned etc, that's a total different other story. I'm coming from a place when thinking of my personal projects.
One of the nicest things i've ever been told about my photographs is that, there is spirt to them.
I hope to not just photograph a "pretty face", but to include a part of that person and myself into a photograph that tells a bit of a story. Something i will always be working towards.
With any skill set you acquire you are obviously always ever-growing, developing and refining your craft.
Change is not the scariest thing, staying in the same place is.
I always hear people talk about this "place" they want to aspire to, but i genuinely wonder what is this place? What happens when you finally reach it? How do you know when you have reached this place? I personally don't think there is a "place" that exists. But rather, there is no final destination that you reach as a creative or any other form of skill you have, that enables you (or that should enable you) to be fully content with everything you have achieved.
It's healthy of course to be proud of your work, easier said than done, but everytime i finish a project i'm always thinking towards the next project and how differently i can do things next time.
Always keep a childlike wonder about things and trust your instinct.
Remember, we really, truly, always are our own worst critics.